Authentic Restaurants in Valencia

Over the years we noticed a shift in the type of restaurants in Valencia’s city center, catering more to visitors instead of staying true to their culinary history.

Menú del Día

We aim to feature restaurants following the traditional pattern of the choice of two plates, including drinks, dessert and coffee.

Local Restaurants

Independent restaurants can hardly compete with chains and copy and paste concepts with investors and marketing teams.

Good Food & Vibes

Valencia is turning into a culinary desert but there are still local places trying to survive and we want to support them.

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Valencian Paella

Valencia is Paella

That’s true and many of the restaurants we’re featuring will have at least Paella Valenciana and other variations on their menu. But the Valencian cuisine has so much more to offer and we’re excited to share some unique dishes with you.

Newest Restaurant Additions

Here you will find the latest restaurants where we ate at and loved. You can also scroll through our archives your use the search feature to find your next place to eat.

Valencia Restaurant Map

Here is a map of all the restaurants we published, a great way to scout out a neighborhood or find the perfect spot after doing some sightseeing.